Human resources departments are key to helping businesses develop and maintain positive relationships with employees. As such, a key task for HR administration is fostering a supportive working environment between staff members and senior personnel.

A recent study from Tell Your Boss found that 65 percent of American executives would choose having a better boss over getting a raise, giving credence to new trends in the workplace.

An article from Forbes explains that having a better boss creates a more supportive atmospher, where managers and owners are more connected to the everyday needs of workers, as well as tuned into their motivations and goals.

Additionally, being a good boss has benefits for the business. "You will retain top talent for longer, and will spend less on management, training and recruitment," the news source explains.

Being a "good" boss can mean a lot of things. Many of them are simple and require managers to adopt civility toward workers and discuss problems in an open, non-confrontational manner.

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