Recruiters seeking talent online should keep up with the latest strategies and trends in marketing. Using social media to encourage a particular action – in this case, applying for a job – is the domain of specialized marketers who put a lot of thought and time into optimizing their campaigns. Human resources professionals can benefit greatly from paying attention.
Whether in a search for permanent or temporary workers, many recruiters and companies rely on the Internet. Using social media is common, from LinkedIn to Instagram. The best ways to leverage these websites are often already being used by marketers. There is no need for human resources professionals to reinvent the wheel. Instead, insight from marketing can help in virtual recruitment.
The way marketers use social media has a few key features. Building the company brand is always a top priority, whether in sales or recruitment. It is possible to use social media to create a community of individuals interested in a company and what it offers, which can be ideal when it comes time to hire. Social media is also a great place to use one's contacts to spread the word that a business is looking for contract workers, for example.