A recent survey by Sure Payroll indicates 77 percent of small-business owners expect to grow in the second half of the year. This is promising because small businesses can take advantage of their expansion to try out new methods of hiring, such as using an employer of record to hire temporary workers who would do the same job as full-time hires, but with less of the expenses that come with hiring someone.
When a company hires someone, it must take on the responsibility of government paperwork having to do with taxes and the Affordable Care Act. If employers aren't careful and they handle these matters badly, they could be giving themselves an unnecessary liability.
Additionally, Forbes reports employees who stay in companies for longer than two years in a row will be paid 50 percent less than a worker who moves from job to job. This is because companies reward people based on experience, and having experience at multiple companies can help employees appear to be better choices.
With this in mind, the potential of working for a temporary services company to gain valuable experience suddenly seems more opportune than it otherwise might. Employers might look at someone who has experience with many companies more favorably.