The producer price for employment services index rose 1.9 percent to 130.8, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The employment service industry includes temporary services and employers of record, among other staffing companies.

Analysis by Staffing Industry Analysts showed this was the same growth rate as experienced in April.

In spite of growth staying at the same level, there is still strong demand for workers in the IT and engineering field, according to a study by TechServe Alliance.

Engineering jobs rose by 0.21 from April to approximately 2.5 million, an increase of 1.82 year-over-year.

Similarly, the number of tech jobs rose by 0.28 percent in month-over-month in May to reach 4.65 million in total. Year-over-year, this is an increase of 2.9 percent.

"We continue to see a consistent steady climb in IT employment numbers," said TechServe Alliance CEO Mark Roberts. "Growth in May IT employment was virtually identical to April's numbers. On the engineering side, we saw some acceleration in growth compared to the two prior months."

He added the demand for IT and engineering talent will continue for a long time to come. This is great news for temporary services companies because educated, reliable temporary workers are available in every field imaginable, including IT.

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