As the economy continues to improve, many companies are slowly increasing their hiring efforts. However, instead of brining on full-time employees, many businesses are considering the use of contract workers to fill in critical organizational needs. There are a number of benefits to this practice, several of which were written on the Corn on the Job blog by Rich DeMatteo, an expert in corporate and agency recruiting.
One of the biggest benefits listed by DeMatteo is that utilizing supplemental staffing opens a company up to a well of talented candidates. There are a number of quality temporary workers available who are looking for an opportunity to prove their worth to a company and be converted over to full-time, permanent status. These individuals are eager to show off their knowledge and skills and typically are productive at a high level.
Another advantage of enlisting the help of contractors is to serve as fill-ins for staff to compensate for short-term absences of permanent workers. This could be due to vacation, maternity leave, or any other situation calling for extended time away from work. In addition to the tips offered by DeMatteo, there are other considerations to be made when making a decision to utilize the help of temporary workers. One of the biggest is lowered hiring costs.
Permanent employees cost a company significantly with respect to salary, medical and unemployment benefits, as well as other expenditures. However, when using temps, a company is only required to pay a staffing agency a flat rate for services, which is ultimately a much more cost effective option. Additionally, these supplemental worker firms are often able to assess a company's needs and deliver a contractor that can help an organization fill a necessary opening, allowing the business to continue to function efficiently, according to Trojan Labor.