While many industries have difficulty finding ideal talent within a growing pool of jobseekers, the American Management Association (AMA) released survey results that may encourage businesses to reevaluate the performance of people who are already on the payroll.

More than half of the executives surveyed by the AMA said their employees’ competency levels are average at best. The organization’s 2012 Critical Skills Survey polled 768 managers and executives. Respondents ranked critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity as the most important characteristics of a successful employee. However, company leaders aren’t seeing these qualities in their workers.

Sixty-two percent of respondents deemed employees’ communication skills average or below and 61 percent gave the same grade to their creative talents. In addition, around half stated the collaboration and critical thinking abilities of their workers are also mediocre.

Business leaders and HR administration professionals may consider focusing more on employee development programs and processes to help workers hone important skills. It’s important to set clear expectations for these initiatives. Employers can start by reviewing job descriptions to ensure they’re attracting the right candidates.

When position details are clear and formalized, managers can use them to to help current employees understand whether they are fulfilling job requirements.



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