The amount of companies recruiting staffing agencies to fill holes in the workforce has been rising since the beginning of the recession. HR administrations have been utilizing outsourcing services as a way of keeping up with busy production schedules; however, transitioning short-term workers into permanent full-time employees is an advantage to using staffing firms.

The increasing skills gap has forced employers to look for different options from the traditional recruitment process. According to the American Staffing Association (ASA), over 12.9 million employees are hired by contract firms throughout the year. In addition, the ASA reports that temporary and contract workers employed by staffing agencies tend to be just as highly-trained as those looking for permanent work and offer employers the opportunity to inspect their work before transitioning to full-time. 

By utilizing contract agencies, employers can get the qualified help they need while searching for highly-skilled candidates. Temporary workers have gained on-the-job industry experience and offer businesses someone who is flexible and knowledgeable. Short-term employees present companies with the ability to try out an individual within their organization's unique culture as a type of extended interview.

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