Recent findings from Adecco revealed Americans are more concerned about job security than they are about getting a raise, and temporary worker positions are being viewed more favorably.

Specifically, 31 percent of respondents felt job security was more important than perks, time off or company culture – an increase from 21 percent in 2011.

This is nearly double the percentage (17 percent) who felt salary to be the most important job-related factor. Health benefits were also not viewed as important, at 16 percent.

The lack of interest in salary correlates to a disillusionment people have about pay raises. A recent survey of 5,000 U.S. citizens from American Pulse found that only 10.1 percent expect an increase from payroll services, while the rest are simply "planning to have less disposable income."

Because of the economic uncertainty, temporary work is being viewed in a more positive light compared to last year. For instance, 86 percent of respondents to the Adecco survey felt taking a temp job would be a good career move. 

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