As the percentage of workers in the United States who are employed on a temporary or contract basis grows, business leaders are asking themselves how best to manage them. This is a question that directly concerns not only contingent workers, but the companies who employ them, recruiting and staffing agencies, as well as permanent employees who work alongside them.

One perspective advocates integrating temporary workers into the company as much as possible. Beginning with the recruitment and hiring process, a business should make an active effort to look for contract workers who share essential parts of the company culture to ensure that their adjustment is easy and fast. These strategies can aid in retention of contract workers by making it clear the company values them.

On the other hand, businesses may open themselves up to legal trouble if they treat temporary workers exactly as they treat their permanent employees. Contingent staff members receive different pay and benefits, and often have different duties. Companies can work with their recruiting services partners to determine how best to handle these differences.

Contract workers are a large and vital part of many businesses, and the question of how they can best be managed deserves consideration.

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