According to a recent Accountemps study, lack of communication between management and staff is the most common mistake managers make in the office.

Specifically, 41 percent of the chief financial officers surveyed felt communication with lower-level employees could be improved. Second on the list was recognition and praise, which 28 percent cited as lacking.

Managing teams is typically a joint effort between management and HR administration, working together to create policies that set limits but don't restrict employees or disrupt workflow.

However, as Credit Union Magazine reports, a lack of communication can be damaging to overall productivity because if workers hear nothing, they're apt to assume the worst.

"Silence from the executive suite causes fear and resentment, which doesn't create a productive culture," notes the media outlet. "The news might be bad, but it's likely not as bad as staff imagine. If it is, employees can plan accordingly."

Other mistakes to avoid, according to the survey, were a lack of training or educational opportunities (11 percent), a lack of work schedule flexibility (8 percent) and a lack of authority given to employees (6 percent).  

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