According to recent statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. employers added 227,000 jobs in February, while unemployment stayed steady at 8.3 percent.

What's more, the average number of hours worked per week has shown growth in recent months. In December 2011, workers were averaging 33.8 hours – inching toward pre-recession levels of 34.6 hours.

Yet, as economical wariness remains, employers are also increasingly turning to staffing agencies to find temporary workers to fill the void without the expense of providing benefits. The BLS found that the number of people employed by staffing services grew 7 percent from January 2011 to January 2012.

Also, as job opportunities increase, employers should expect greater turnover from younger, disenchanted workers looking for better opportunities. A study from McKinsey Global Institute is cited, which found that 71 percent of managers expect an increase in generation X and Y turnover in the coming months. 

This is because, as the blog Procurement Insights states, the concept of long-term employment is a "20th Century ideal that has outlived its purported benefits." Younger workers constantly want to keep moving, improving their chances for growth.

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