During the interview process for contract positions, it's the job of employers to not only make sure applicants fulfill the qualifications of the position, but to also build relationships. With many interviews starting as an introduction to potential workers, this step in the hiring process serves as a stepping stone toward developing working relationships between temporary workers.

Responding to candidate questions, such as what challenges the organization encounters during different business cycles, can help employers assess their willingness to contribute to organizations. If applicants ask how their performance will be measured, employers may be able to take this as a sign that contract workers are willing to meet employer expectations.

During an interview, ask questions about what candidates hope to accomplish to see if they have the drive to deliver results. On the other hand, look out for those who complain about past employers as it gives off a negative impression and may start a business relationship on the wrong foot.

When candidates choose to follow-up after the interview, this is appreciated by many employers. A follow-up note could also demonstrate how this candidate may add value to the company in the hopes of continuing this newly founded employer-worker relationship.

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