As the holiday season approaches, many companies are seeking temporary workers. From manufacturing to retail, companies in a number of industries require extra hands to get through the rush that starts in October and extends through the new year. The hiring surge begins early, as Halloween-themed establishments staff for the holiday, contributing to the almost $8 billion retail industry. Indeed, there are even retail stores that only exist for a specific holiday. Many of these begin their staffing search months in advance of the occasion for which they supply goods. For example, some stores begin seeking holiday help as early as late July.

A temporary position during the holidays can be a great way for workers to gain experience in a particular field, such as specialty retail. It may also be an ideal part-time job for students and others. Hiring may increase for the holiday season, bolstering numbers that are already healthy. As usual, a rush in hiring often means many available positions for temporary and contract workers. Many retailers and other companies will retain and permanently hire workers who do an outstanding job during their period of seasonal employment, as well.

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