Many times, people hear the word "outsourcing" and immediately think of customer support agents in distant countries speaking in a way that's difficult to understand, the 3Forward blog explains.

However, HR outsourcing techniques shouldn't always invoke such a response. If your company has the desire to grow and expand its geographical reach, outsourcing positions such as sales and marketing may make sense to your bottom line.

For instance, a recent study from PerDM found that 90 percent of companies viewed outsourcing their sales and marketing division as a growing trend, especially as they cut costs to account for the struggling economy, The Sales Director reports.

Specialists in these fields – such as sales recruitment agencies – can offer companies highly skilled workers that can turn a profit. Outsourcing also eliminates the extra work necessary for the hiring process, enhancing overall productivity.

"(Businesses) are realizing that they can work together with outsourced companies to create plans for sales growth based on their own goals and objectives and then leave that area of their business in the capable hands of experts, refocusing their attention to other initiatives," said PerDM director Ian Attwood, as quoted by the media outlet.

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