Employee benefits administrations have begun implementing wellness initiatives into company culture to increase employee health and engagement. A recent panel of experts spoke with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) about increased federal guidance coming to wellness programs.

Wellness programs have risen in popularity among HR departments as a beneficial way to invest in worker mental and physical health while decreasing health care insurance costs. According to members of EEOC, however, employer-sponsored wellness initiatives may need recommendations to comply with federal equal employment opportunity laws.

EEOC Commissioner Victoria Lipnic believes the guidance of wellness programs will help decrease the amount of compliance issues in the future.

"As wellness programs become more prevalent, fostered in part by the signature health care initiative of the Administration, we can be certain that their use will present more questions with respect to the federal laws we enforce," Lipnic said.

Instituting a wellness program continues to be a great way of increasing employee health and productivity while decreasing insurance costs. Employers should make sure that their programs comply with federal regulations.

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