Nearly half of companies plan to hire additional customer service employees in 2013, according to Temkin Group. Based off of two studies, the research and consulting firm stated only 5 percent of companies expect a decline their customer service experience staffing levels this year.

In a survey of 283 customer service professionals, the research firm found 54 percent of respondents expect their company will spend more on their department this year compared to 2012. Meanwhile, a separate study found 78 percent of companies plan to increase spending on the department this year. 

The second survey polled 178 organizations with annual revenues of $500 million or more. Just over half aim to provide consumers the best experience in their industry within the next three years.

It's no secret effective customer service is a valuable part of a successful business. A positive experience can transform a first-time buyer into a loyal customer, which can increase sales, word-of-mouth marketing and brand reputation, according to Forbes. In addition, returning clients are more likely to buy additional products and services in the future.

Businesses considering an overhaul to their customer service department can rely on an HR administration and payroll services provider to help manage new talent.

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