Team players embrace essential work qualities through personal development and life experiences. Defining which traits make a great team player is essential for identifying top candidates for your company’s open positions. Learn how to build effective teams and improve your company culture by seeking the following qualities in job candidates.

  • Humility

Great team players don’t have big egos or concerns about status. They quickly point out colleagues’ contributions and don’t seek attention for themselves. Team players define success collectively rather than individually. Humble workers know how to build trust and work collaboratively for the benefit of the company. They put team goals and accountability ahead of their own individual needs for maximum benefit to your organization.

  • Hunger

Hungry workers are always seeking out new things to do and learn. They want more responsibility and are motivated to work harder. Hungry employees always think about the next step and the next opportunity for achieving results. They create a dynamic atmosphere and can-do culture. Hungry team players encourage others to work at top performance levels and continuously achieve the best results for the group. They continuously complete tasks in a timely manner and follow through on their commitments. Hungry workers are adaptive, creative and flexible. They’re able to change the way they work if it helps their teammates.

  • Intelligence

Smart team players have good common sense about others. They know what’s happening within the group and how to effectively deal with other people. They ask good questions, listen to answers, and stay engaged in conversations. Intelligent team players discuss areas of potential conflict and hold themselves and others accountable for their actions. They put themselves in others’ shoes and understand situations from their viewpoint. Even if they don’t agree, smart team players facilitate an atmosphere of constructive communication for working out differences. They convey capability and dependability at all times.

By conducting thorough interviews and selective background checks, you’ll have a high degree of confidence you’re hiring strong team players. For additional assistance with finding the right staff to share your workload, contact the experts at Innovative Employee Solutions today!

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