A majority of people would consider accepting contingent employment, according to a survey conducted by Monster.com. Nearly half of respondents would be willing to become temporary workers "most of the time."

Monster.com gave many reasons for these results, including ongoing economic trouble and a high number of currently employed people seeking new jobs. There are, however, much less contingent reasons. For example, temporary and contract workers often enjoy that their schedule is flexible. They can also expect to get offers for permanent employment from the organizations where they work as contingent staff much of the time, particularly if they perform well.

The reasons an organization may choose to employ workers on a temporary basis are many. A business may want to keep its permanent staff small, or it may have a project for which it needs extra staff that has a definite end date. It may also enjoy the convenience of outsourcing human resources back-office functions such as payrolling and employee benefits management.

Both organizations and workers consider temporary work for its benefits, rather than as an option of last resort.

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