A recent survey from Gallup found only 30 percent of American employees are engaged at work. This has serious consequences for employers, ranging from low productivity to poor rates of worker retention.

Whether permanent or temporary workers, all employees occasionally need encouragement to feel satisfied in their positions. Many factors can contribute to disengagement, from personal issues to a simple bad day. However, some of these elements are under the control of human resources administration professionals.

Managers and others should consider several strategies to raise engagement among their staff. One easy way to help an employee feel more fulfilled is to explain to him or her how the job he or she performs is essential to the company's mission. Every job furthers the goals of an organization, and if an worker is aware how he or she contributes it may help get him or her back on track.

Another tactic worth trying is positive reinforcement. Research shows this is more effective in engaging employees than criticism. Any time a worker excels, his or her supervisor should comment upon the event and thank him or her for the hard work.

Employee engagement is crucial to a productive workforce, and HR professionals have the ability to foster it in their workplaces.

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