According to its latest financial press release, UPS used 30,000 more temporary workers than it expected in order to fill holiday orders. The influx of contract labor helped UPS to deliver millions of packages (31 million on December 23 alone), which it could not have done without the extra help. Many companies have found temporary and seasonal workers allow them to reach performance levels they would not have attained without temp worker assistance.

And temporary workers can help growth in general. For companies wanting to expand their business, they can hire temp workers quickly and grow along with the economy. The most recent National Association of Business Economics (NABE) survey indicates companies are predicting growth in 2014, according to Fox News. Over half (63 percent) predicted an increase in sales.

"Respondents report strengthened sales growth was more widespread during the last quarter of 2013 than in the third quarter. Profit margins increased at more firms as fewer panelists reported rising materials costs," NABE President Jack Kleinhenz wrote in a press release.

Another way to save money is to hire an HR outsourcing service. A company doing that will avoid the high prices associated with paperwork and government compliance, freeing HR to do what they need.

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