A new survey by Lucas Group indicates 45 percent of respondents plan to hire new workers in the future. Thirty-three percent of employers plan to hire a mix of temporary and permanent workers. Seven percent plan to hire contract workers only.

In the end, this means that a lot of companies will be hiring temporary workers to help bolster their supply of employees. This is a great idea because temps are much easier to maintain than permanent workers who cannot be fired or hired quite as easily. Those who hire a combination of temporary and full-time workers will have their managerial needs met by permanent hires and their temporary work done by temps. This benefits everyone. Temps get the experience and the work they want, and companies will have used the most cost-effective approach to hiring employees.

One benefit that temporary workers have over permanent hires is that hiring a temp can be strategic. Recruiting Trends, a news website for recruiters, speaks to the importance of hiring as a strategic operation rather than merely a reaction to changes in the marketplace. Essentially, the article cited that most CEOs want to reach emerging markets, have sustainable advantages over their competitors and maximize ROI by reducing costs overall.

Despite this, according to the article, companies continue to hire because a job opens up, rather than because the market has changed. By reacting to the market in a dynamic way, responding to what happens in a company's sales department and the demand for its products, it can grow and expand when it needs to. Additionally, companies can read industry reports and learn about new sectors and markets, and then use temps as a kind of instant team that will set up a fast response to demand in sectors that might come and go very quickly. This level of strategy is not simple, but it can be done with temps hired through an employer of record.

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